SSL Certificate

HTTPS connections help to 
ensure that the sent information of your visitors is encypted,
reduce the risk of data leakage.
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a network security protocol between a web visitor’s browser and the website hosting server. It provides data encryption and identity authentication functions by using digital certificates. SSL is built on the transport layer, which establishes a point-to-point secure connection between the browser and the server. For example, when a web visitor is sending a username and password to your website using an unsecured or unencrypted connection (HTTPS), his data could be in transit and visible to the network provider or hackers. However, if it is over an encrypted connection (HTTPS), the data is encrypted and only the server can decrypt it.

Common browsers and search engines require web pages to use SSL certificates to initiate secure and encrypted HTTPS connections. If your website requires visitors to enter sensitive information, such as credit card payment information and password-protected areas, then you need to use a secure, encrypted HTTPS connection.

All our web hosting plans come with Let’s Encrypt free SSL certificates. However, Let’s Encrypt certificates are only for personal website usage. If your website is commercial in nature, you can use a commercial SSL certificate. You can purchase the following SSL certificates now and have them installed on your account.
  • Essential Wildcard
  • RapidSSL®
  • QuickSSL® Premium
Support HTTPS
Essential WildcardRapidSSL®QuickSSL® Premium
Support HTTPS
Validation type
Before a certificate authority issues an SSL Certificate, they validate the information provided in the certificate request. The more complete the validation, the more site visitors trust the certificate.
Domain ValidationDomain ValidationDomain ValidationDomain Validation
Subdomains secured1Unlimited11
Validity options1 year1 year1 year1 year
Site seal
An option to have a seal on the site, showing your visitors that your site certificate is valid
Level of encryptionup to 256-bitup to 256-bitup to 256-bitup to 256-bit
99% Browser compatibility
Browser security lock
When the site is accessed over SSL, the browser will display a security lock showing the visitor that the site is accessed over a secure channel
IDN support
Support for International Domain Names
Free refund
Free revocation and refund of your SSL certificate
25 days25 days5 days5 days